The #1 secret for reading Lenormand Cards will help you to decode Lenormand for you.
In a way, Lenormand cards act very differently in comparison to Tarot cards. With Lenormand readings, you don’t pay that much attention to an individual card. You have to focus rather on card combinations.
The cards in pairs will tell you a story. However, each pair can have multiple meanings, and here is where things might go a bit tricky for inexperienced readers. But don’t worry; I have a secret that will help you to read Lenormand cards with full confidence.
The #1 secret to reading Lenormand card combinations
Before I let you know the method that helps me the most when reading Lenormand cards, I have to point out that there are many methods of how to read Lenormand cards. Not all methods will suit all Lenormand readers, but this one is definitely the one I find the most accurate.
As said, Lenormand Cards are always best to read in pairs. For better and more accurate interpretation, always try to use the first card as the noun and the second card as the adjective. A noun is a person, a place, or a thing, and an adjective is a descriptive word.
Also, bear in mind that interpretations may vary depending on the context. This is yet another reason why you should pick a reader whom you trust and you should give them some background story for better context and consequently more accurate Lenormand reading.
Let’s take an example with the Key and the Heart.
The Heart as the noun has something to do with love, passion, and romance.
The Key as the adjective, shows something of significance, and importance.
Therefore, the Heart + the Key could be interpreted as significant love or significant romance, maybe even as destined love, as “the one“. Again, interpretation must be put into the context for more accurate reading.
The Key as the noun has something to do with faith and destiny.
The Heart as the adjective, denotes a loving and caring attitude, something romantic.
Therefore, the Key + the Heart could be interpreted as love destiny or significant romance, maybe romantic faith. Context is very important here, so be aware of that.
Over the years and after many, many Lenormand readings, I have found out that with Lenormand readings, it is even more important that you, as the client trust your reader.
If you want a detailed Lenormand or Tarot reading, feel free to purchase one from me!
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