Testemonial: I was cheated on and I had enough!

I received a letter from a woman for whom I did readings back in January. Her husband cheated on her, and finally, she decided that it was time for her to be brave!

Cheated on - woman tells it all!

She wanted her story to be shared with others. Here it is.

Hi, Rebecca.

My name is (client name privacy). I don’t know if you remember me. I ordered a few readings from you back in January this year when I found out that (name privacy) cheated on me twice with his co-worker. Back then you saw getting us separated within a year if I stand for myself and won’t allow him to cheat on me.

I must admit that I didn’t (want to) believe you back then. You said that separation will be good for me and it will have no harm for my kids. I just couldn’t believe this back then.

Here is what happened in the past ten months. After I found out about his affair back in January, I confronted him just like you said I should. We had a huge fight. In the end, he promised me that he won’t cheat on me again and that I (!!) should give us another chance. Ha asked for forgiveness. Another chance at least for the kids, he said! For the kids… I agreed.

As a parent, you want only the best for your children, and I suppose also the feeling of fear of being alone did the part so that I said: “Okay, let’s try this again.”

In February, things were getting better. We spent more time together than usual and I really believed that he changed. I thought that something must have changed the wheel of fortune since your predictions of us getting apart and him not being able to be faithful to me seemed so wrong.

But then this happened…

It was the middle of March when he came home late again. He said that he had to work late and I wanted to believe him. In the middle of the night, he got a text message. He was sleeping, but I didn’t. I couldn’t because I was bothered by the fact that he again came home late and that he didn’t seem to be tired or stressed because of work. He just came home late. I looked at this phone, and I was heartbroken by the words I saw in a message.

It was she again, the woman with whom he cheated on me in the first place, his co-worker. She wrote him about how happy is she that they had a chance to spend some time together and how satisfied he always makes her! There were some other words as well, but I don’t remember them well anymore. At that point, I was just shocked and heartbroken.

Long story short, the next day, we had a huge fight. In a fight, he said that I am unable to satisfy him the proper way but that he still loves me. What?! What hypocrisy! I couldn’t stand it anymore. Within a week, I moved out of our apartment, took my children, and went to my parent’s house. I filed for divorce.

Cheated on - woman tells it to the man!

Now it is official

At the end of October, our divorce was official. I live with my parents now, have full custody over my children (My ex didn’t have a chance at the court when the judge evidence was provided that he cheated on me!), and I am trying to put my life back on track.

It is hard, I must admit. From time to time, I feel alone, and I am angry, but I am grateful as well that now I have more respect for myself!

So, everything happened the way you predicted. Our marriage couldn’t stand a chance because (as you said) it takes two to make a relationship, and even if I wanted to make it right, he just wasn’t on the same page as I was.

Thank you for your tremendous support. Through your readings, I was able to realize how much I was hurt by him in the past and how much more I actually deserve! I had only four people that I turned to for help when this drama was happening around me, and you are one of them. Thank you!!

If you want, you can publish this letter for all other women to see and to read it. I think they need to know that there are other women that are experiencing some relationship troubles as well.

And if you will publish this letter, then I would have a word, especially for women that were cheated on.

So, to all the women outside who were cheated on and hurt by their “loved ones.” Remember that your own worth is the result of how you let others treat you. Say NO to cheating you, NO to disrespecting you. Once you set your own value high, NO ONE will have even a remote chance to put you down. Stay strong, and keep your head up. The world is so wonderful once you look at it from above.

This story is a perfect example of how our actions can change the future for us. Nothing is set in stone because people will always have free will. The only thing that reading can do AND WILL DO for you is that it will give you insight into what will happen if you continue on the same path you are now and what will happen if you decide to break the path and choose another one.

If you are in need to get some clarifications on the path you are on right now, don’t be afraid to ask for them!


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