How I do my Tarot readings

The process of connecting with you!

Tarot readings are very personal to me!

Whenever you decide to purchase a tarot reading from me, I take this as a token of you fully trusting me with your energies. And I cherish this token profoundly.

I never do more than three online and four in-person Tarot readings per day. Why not?

When I do Tarot readings for you, I fully commit myself to this journey. The whole journey for just one client takes around 1,5 to 2 hours, and after 7 clients, I am physically and mentally exhausted and need some rest.

How does my journey of reading go for you?

After you purchase a reading,  I first prepare myself for the reading with 5 to 10 minutes long meditation on you and your energies. This way, I also awaken my intuition. Then I shuffle cards the first time to get the overall energy of the question and answer. I meditate on these energies for about ten minutes. After that, I shuffle the cards one more time. This time I pull cards that show me the answer to your question.

I take a pen and a piece of paper. With the help of my intuition, I start writing all the main keywords of cards onto this piece of paper. This way, I let my intuition work with cards and their meanings. Once I have all the keywords written down, I take my laptop, open a file with your name and start writing a one- to two-page-long in-depth answer for you.

Throughout the whole process, I try to be as connected to you and your energies as possible. If you feel a bit dizzy, have a strange sensation in your body, or maybe even have a bit of a headache, it is because I was able to connect to you and your energies successfully. Once I am done with the reading, you will feel fine again.

How am I different from other Tarot readers and astrologers?

When you purchase a reading from me, I fully dedicate myself to you. You always get an in-depth answer, and if you need any additional explanations or have any additional questions to your main question, I always take additional time to answer you, even if I have to shuffle my cards once again to ask for additional explanations.

I aim to help you with my answer fully. I am not a Tarot reader who reads for many people throughout the day. My answers are always in-depth and as straight as possible. This is my work ethic.

I believe there are tarot readers of all kinds out there; also, ones who read for as little as 5$ but don’t fully devote themselves to you and cannot give you so in-depth or accurate answer.

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