They say, “Timing is everything.” And they are right. That is why you shouldn’t sign a contract or buy electronic devices under Mercury Rx. However, just like a natal chart will give you information about a person’s personality, a natal chart of a particular event will unfold how successful this event might be.
To put it very superficially: if someone is trying to start a successful online business, they should do so when the transit Venus is making favorable aspects to their natal Venus or their 2nd House. But, of course, this is just one of many aspects that need to be taken into consideration.
I can calculate your best day (and even hour!) for a particular event. Here are just a few examples.
When is the best day for you to:
– sign a contract?
– start up a new business?
– start a diet?
– start a love relationship?
– get married?
– sell/buy something?
– travel?
How does it work?
1. Write down a clear question (For example: When is the best time to open my social media account with beauty tips?).
2. Let me know your exact birth data (hour, day, month, year, and place of birth).
3. Let me know your current place of living (if it is different from your birth’s one. If you were born in California but now live in London, the planetary composition may affect the outcome.).
Based on your horoscope, I will calculate the best times for you to take action in the next 3 months.