True love – does it exists? Will you experience it? Juno can tell!
True love – Juno aspects show it. What is Juno?
Juno is ‘the marriage asteroid’ and it represents how someone relates to a partner in the context of a committed union. In mythology Juno is the daughter of Saturn, wife of Jupiter, and mother of Mars, Minerva and and Vulcan.
Jupiter cheated on Juno, however she still stayed with him and fulfilled her traditional duties. No matter what, Juno remains loyal and faithful and shows true love to her spouse.
Juno in synastry
If you have your (potential) partner’s exact time of birth, you can find out if you two have any significant Juno aspects in your synastry chart. Juno in aspect between two people indicates a strong attachment, in other words true love. Usually is the planet person the one that represents what Juno person in looking for in a relationship.
Juno is often strongly placed in synastry charts of married couples. The strongest aspects are conjunctions and oppositions. Trines and sextiles are not so strong, but are still very strong.
Juno – Ascendant: With this aspect we have most likely an ideal relationship between two people. Above all is this relationship full of love, romance, care and passion. The Ascendant person presents an ideal mate for the Juno person, in addition the Juno person was probably instantly attracted to the Ascendant person.
Juno – Descendant: Possibility of having an ideal relationship between two people with this aspect increases tremendously.
Juno – Sun: With this aspect the Juno person is the one who sees the Sun person as a perfect match. In addition, they can commit to each other easily and build long-lasting union on a strong ground.
Juno – Moon: This aspect shows many leves of emotions between partners. The Juno person is attracted to the Moon person, in addition they can commit to each other on emotional level easily. The way that the Moon person expresses her emotions, suits to the Juno person very well and make her emotionally comfortable.
Juno – Venus: Relationship between people with this aspect is based on a strong romantic level. The Venus person activates the Juno person’s feelings of commitment. Therefore, the Juno person sees the Venus person as an ideal spouse.
Juno – Mars: There is a lot of sexual charisma between two people who have this aspect. They commit to each other on sexual level extremely fast. Additionally, they will have for sure an amazing sex life even after marriage.
Juno – Jupiter: Juno and Jupiter are natural partners for each other, like Eros and Psyche, Pluto and Proserpine, Isis and Osiris. This aspect certainly shows a soul-mate connection. The Juno person sees the Jupiter person as a perfect match and wants to commit. Therefore, marriage is very likely with this kind of aspect.
Juno – Saturn: With this aspect between two people it’s all about building long-lasting and stable relationship. While Juno indicates marriage, Saturn is about commitment – you get the picture. Therefore for these two people it is quite logical that they commit to each in a form of legal bond (marriage). One of most known celebrity couples having a strong Juno – Saturn conjunction were Celine Dion and her late husband René Angélil. They certainly found true love.
My SO has a ceres, Juno, psyche and Eros conjunction in the 4th and I have Juno alone in the 5th… My Jupiter however at 0degrees cancer is conjunct Valentine and that conjunction sextile my sun…
Our main aspect is his Juno stellium trines my Jupiter less than one degree, other aspects include
My Juno opposite his Ascendant (2 degrees)
Sextile his Chiron (exact)
Opposite his Sun. (3 degrees )
Opposite his Venus (5 degrees)
His Juno is Square my mars (3 degrees)
Square my Juno (3 degrees)
Opposite my sun (2 degrees)
What do you make of this especially the Juno trine Jupiter and Juno/Sun opposition double whammy?
Also his Juno opposite my Chiron (5degreees)
And trine my vertex less than 1 degrees
So Juno Chiron double whammy as well as Juno sun
What does this mean?
Hi, Clo.
Juno trine Jupiter makes your interaction easy and here Juno helps Jupiter to see what perfect commitment really means. Juno and Jupiter person make it easier for each other to commit. For example: if Juno person usually isn’t very keen on commitment, than when meeting Jupiter person she or he will feel/see that commitment is something that Jupiter person can provide for him/her.
With Juno-Sun opposition there can be some tension that can bring out some arguments between you two (most likely due to different lifestyle or different everyday needs) but at the same time it is very strong connection that will bond you for a very long time. Strong Juno-Sun aspects (conjunction or opposition) bring long-lasting relationship.
Much love to you! <3
What if Juno conjunct Mars in synastry, Saturn opposition Juno in synastry. Also Pluto sesquiquadrate Juno double whammy. What does it mean? Someone told me that these are really bad aspects. What is your intake on that? Thank you!
These aspects indeed are a little bit harder to handle, although not Juno/Mars one – this can be a great one in some cases. 🙂
However, you should not look only at these three aspects when determining whether relationship has future or not. Is also VERY important to see who Juno and who the other planet in synastry is. For example: when the Woman is Juno and the Man is the planet, usually these energies can be easier to handle (since women tend to be gentle and more sensitive to feelings – but this isn’t always the case!) etc.
I suggest you to do detailed synastry analysis. Looking only at one single aspect in the synastry won’t bring you the whole, real picture.
How do you feel about Juno Conjunct Juno and Juno Conjunct Saturn? My Juno in Libra is Conjunct a Libra mans Juno Saturn Conjunction. He is a Libra Sun Conjunct Saturn man with Cancer Moon, I’m a Cancer Sun with Cap Moon in the 7th Trine Venus.
This sounds very proimising! Juno to Juno would mean a willingness and desire to form some kind of committed, equal partnership, based on house and sign. With Juno/Saturn conjunction this willingness is even stronger and somehow it seems easy for both (Saturn and Juno) of you to settle down with each other.
I’m interested in someone with whom I already have MULTIPLE aspects, even before discovering our Juno Synastry. I’m Sag sun/Aries moon/Pisces asc/Scorpio merc & mars/Cap venus and he’s Gem sun/Sag moon/Cancer asc/Gem merc & mars/Aries venus. We also have many other non-personal planet connections, including a Scorpio-Pluto conj and the infamous, but ever enticing, Pluto-Mars conj (in Scorpio, no less).
In terms of Juno synastry, we have 8 “harmonious” connections and 5 “non-harmonious/squares”. My Juno is in Pisces; his, Virgo. I’m wondering what you think about the following Juno aspects:
Conjunction (1):
1. His Juno/My Desc.
Opposition (2):
1. His Juno/My Juno
2. His Juno/My Asc,
Trine (3):
1. My Juno/His Asc.
2. His Juno/My Venus
3. My Juno/His Saturn
Sextile (2)
1. My Juno/His Desc.
2. His Juno/My Mars
Square (5)
1. My Juno/His Sun
2. His Juno/My Sun
3. My Juno/His Moon
4. My Juno/His Mars
5. His Juno/My Saturn
How strong are these Juno aspects? The orb seems to be important with such aspects.
Hi Rebecca. Thank you for this amazing article.
My colleague and I have a juno conjunct sun double whammy (within 1 orb).
We also have mars conjunct venus double whammy (within 1 orb).
My sun, moon, venus and mars all fall into his 7th house, and our suns conjunct each other’s descendants.
I feel like he is my soulmate. Do you think he feels the same way? Sometimes I think I can feel it in the way he looks at me, but it’s hard to tell…
I am sure he can feel the connection too. Juno and Sun in conjunction are here very important. Mars and Venus can only add the attraction. But more interesting here is the fact that your sun, moon, venus and mars all fall into his 7th house! That is something that should not be overlooked!
How do you feel about Juno making a grand trine in Synastry? She has in her chart Juno in Sag 11 degrees in 12th house with my Jupiter in Aries 14 degrees in her 4th house and my Sun in Leo 10 degrees her 8th house.
In my chart her Juno Sag 11 degrees 8th house and my Sun in Leo 10 degree in 5th house and Jupiter in Aries 14 degrees 12th house.
Thank you
Grand trines to me are always showing positive energy that love-related things can manifest in real life. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that things will manifest per se. These connections to me show two people having similar spiritual path; understanding each other with ease, showing compassion towards each other, healing each other’s emotional issues etc. If you two are in relationship and have some other strong aspects (preferably with Saturn or/and Venus and/or Mars), these trines will only make your relationship stronger.
I can’t find anything about Juno and part of Fortune conjunct in synastry. Je that a Good sign? What does It mean? Anything…thanks for the answer.
Hi, Quilla!
Sorry for belated answer. I didn’t notice your comment.
I never consider Part of Fortune to be a great player when it comes to synastry, but it is not bad connection at all. The conjunction between Juno and Part of Fortune can definitely bring some benefits to the relationship, but you need to take two things into consideration: 1) whose Juno conjuncts whose Part of Fortune and 2) how tight is this conjunction. I believe that these two answers determine how strong this conjunction will manifest in relationship.
What if a woman’s Juno doesn’t make any aspect with man’s planet in synastry and man’s juno is making aspects to woman’s planet in the same synastry chart. How do you see that in terms of Juno. I will really appreciate your response. 🙂 Thanks!
Hi, Donna.
In this case I would first take a look on which planets are in aspect with Juno (unless there is a strong aspect or an aspect to the Sun or the Moon or Jupiter I would not put that much attention to it) and then I would take a closer look to the position of their Mars and Venus in their synastry. This will tell much more about how Juno will help to the relationship.
Me and my SO have the following juno aspects in synastry:
his conjunct my Asc (1 deg)
mine conjunct his Sun (0 deg)
his conjunct my Moon (2 deg)
mine conjunct his Venus (1 deg)
his trine my Jupiter (0 deg)
his sextile my Saturn (2 deg)
his square my Vertex (1 deg)
mine conjunct his Vesta (1 deg)
Is it normal to see these many Juno aspects in synastry?
It is as normal as it can be. 😉 The record number of Juno aspects in synastry that I discovered in one of my client’s chart with their spouse was 15!
What a lucky couple. Did they have a happy marriage?
Also, have you seen cases where there were many Juno linkages between a pair but they did not end up together or get divorced? (Given that there are no other significantly bad aspects elsewhere in synastry)
Thanks for your quick response!
They are still married, happily as far as I know. 🙂
Yes, I have seen quite a number of pairs, where there were Juno connections, but they still got divorced or broke up. In these cases was not “bad aspects” that destroyed relationship but rather the lack of aspects between some planets. For example: no aspect between Venus and Saturn or very poorly aspected Venus, or poor aspects between Venus and Mars etc.
For me it is all about the right mixture of aspects that can make an enduring relationship; there has to be both kind of aspects – positive and negative – present in synastry chart.
I just did my synastry chart with my SO and we have 18 Juno Aspects. Since day one we have been in love at first sight and are literally inseparable.
It’s very interesting. I came across this and went to check how it was with my ex husband. My Juno is on his ascendent, but his is just in my second house which is empty. Unfortunately the attraction was not mutual!
Ouch. Would be interesting though how other aspects (Venus/Moon/Pluto) affected this.
Hi Rebecca,
thanks for the article! My Juno is conjunct my partner’s moon 0° and mars 1° and trine his venus, but the orb is probably too big 4°(?). These planets are strongly aspected in his natal chart. What is your experience when the woman’s Juno is in conjunction to the moon and mars of the man? Does this signify a mutual exchange? Or is the Juno partner apt to feeling the dynamic more? Of course this is just a small piece of a larger puzzle as you have mentioned. Lastly does house placement matter? For example my juno is in leo and his juno is in the 5th house. Does that seem to be relevant?
Many thanks!
Both people feel the dynamic of the Juno aspect, however, “Juno partner” is apt to feeling the dynamic more in your case.
Usually the house where Juno is placed, “copies” the qualities of a sign that occupies the house. So Juno in Aries or Juno in 1st House can have similar interpretation Taurus/2nd House, Gemini/3rd House etc. Check this link
I fell in love at first sight across a crowded room. I just knew. Confirmed with synastry aspects!
his Saturn on my ASC
his Moon conj my asteroid Union
his Juno on my DSC
his Mercury conjunct my Sun/Juno
his Amor conjunct my Saturn
his Pholus conjunct my Chiron & asteroid Valentine
his Venus conjunct my MC / North Node
His Union and Lust conjunct my Amor
his Nessus conjuct my Vesta
my name conjunct Mars on his ASC
my ASC conjunct his Saturn conjunct his last name
my Neptune conjunct his Psyche
my Union conjunct his Moon
my DSC on his Juno
my Moon in his 7th house
my Venus in his 8th house
my name conjunct Valentine conjunct his Pholus 8th house
my Sun conjunct Juno on his Mercury 9th house (we met while traveling)
my Ceres conjunct his Chiron/Sun – near Eros
my MC/NorthNode/Amor conjunct his Venus
my Jupiter conjunct his Jupiter
Wow, lovely aspects. I wish you much love in this relationship! ❤❤❤
My Juno in 8th house conjunct my ex’s Sun/Venus in Virgo. You think they’ll make a great partner and that’s why you find them attractive in the beginning and then once they start talking and you get to really know them. Ugh gah..turn off. it’s over. We could play pretend but hell I would ever marry anyone like him. I can never tolerant a lazy person. You can dress up and act like the perfect trophy husband/wife type but their house and their bedroom tell who they truly is. Dishes stacks on top of each other for weeks, dirty laundry under the bathroom cabinets, their kids having eat for days and they don’t shower. They were only made to look nice in clothes. Ugh! No. People who planets on your Juno and 8th house isn’t ideal trust me. I can’t ever imagine myself being with someone like that. It’s only in the beginning that it gives you an illusion that they’re good to partner up with. -love yourself and keep running. Ew.
our synastry: my juno conjunct her sun,moon,mercury,venus,pluto and chiron
Her juno conjunct my mars, sextile my moon and opposite my sun. the sun juno aspects are within 2 degree,
does this mean anything
I cannot say how these two aspects would play out in your relationship. Why not? Because Juno alone cannot be seen as an ultimate “true love” indicator, if you don’t take other aspects in consideration. Positive Juno aspects only create the right environment where true love can manifest IF no other major aspects destroy this.
I am not sure, if I understood your Q correctly, but I assume that your natal Juno conjuncts your Uranus and DESC? Well… This aspect could manifest in way that you are individualistic when it comes to relationships. This means that you can easily (or not so easily, but still willingly) go through periods of loneliness, because you would stay alone than be in relationship, where you and your partner are not on the same level of beliefs and ideals.
I’m just curious if you’ve ever seen a man’s Juno conjunct a woman’s Venus partnership that didn’t work out? It’s within 1 degree.
My big concern was with his prominent pluto in Scorpio opposite his Taurus sun are square her mars in leo and mercury in Aquarius. Her Venus in Aquarius and her mars in leo are opposite but Venus doesn’t have enough of an orb to be part of the big square with his pluto and sun.
Could the transiting Uranus in Taurus be dangerous for this in spite of the Juno/Venus conjunction? It creates a lot of squares, conjunctions, and oppositions for both of them. It’ll be square his Juno and her Venus. Square both her mars and mercury as well. Conjunct his sun, opposite his Pluto, and square both Jupiter and Saturn for him.
I don’t know the house set up for either of them, but it seems unlikely that none of those planets would fall in an area that would impact the relationship.
Hi there Rebecca,
I noticed you say here that they commit to each other emotionally with the case of moon for example. Does that mean even if only one partner’s Juno is aspected, the connection between them is still felt by both colored by whatever planet is involved? In my case my juno is directly on my partner’s moon/mars conjunction. His Juno is conjunct my neptune. I noticed Neptune isn’t listed here. Any interpretation for that aspect? Thank you for doing an article about this. It’s a nice go-to guide. Even for friendships I notice these connections.
From what I have seen in my clients’ charts, I would say that connection is there and it is felt by both people. However, the planet person feels this connection more.
When it comes to Neptune, I would say that this aspect makes the Neptune person feels like the other person is their ideal partner.
I would still make sure, that all these Juno connections aren’t in any way disrupted by negative aspects between other planets, especially Moon / Venus / Saturn.
My biggest heartbreak came from a moon/mars conjunct Juno in Libra relationship. I was the Juno person. He’s charming and such a sweetheart. I appreciated a peaceful and harmonious relationship where we both gave equally. What was hard was how he could talk on and on about relationships but not identify with any emotions. It felt shallow. It was difficult for my own Scorpio moon. I didn’t need to talk about it, I could feel it deeply. Ultimately it became too much to show my emotions and his evasiveness and elusiveness became unbearable. There were a few other issues that manifested from this aspect but this was a major one.
Ouch! Your Scorpio Moon needs to show emotions to people you love. It must have been hard for you in this relationship, but even harder once relationship ended. 🙁
yes i have the same case, my Juno in Leo conjuct his Mars and moon in Leo and my Sun is in Leo.. It was on the end the biggest pain for me. Iam libra moon. i love scorpio Venus and scorpio moon People.❤️ Stay strong
❤️ Hugs to you too! ❤️
What if Lilith is conjunct Lilith at 0 degrees in synastry along with:
– his Juno conjunct my Venus – 0 degrees;
– his Juno trine my Mars – 3 degrees;
– Juno square Saturn- 0 degrees ( double whammy);
– his Juno conjunct my DSC- 1 degrees;
– his Eros conjunct my Lilith – 0 degrees;
– his Eros sextile my Moon and trine my Mars – 1 degrees;
– his Neptun conjunct my NN – 0 degrees ( Neptune conjunct Sun at 4 degrees in his natal chart);
– his MC conjunct my NN – 2 degrees ( Neptune conjunct MC at 2 degrees in his natal chart);
– his NN conjunct my SN – 8 degrees ( I have a Kite Grand Air Trine with SaturnR conjunct SN in Gem-27°58′ H11 running it). My NN is Sag 26°48′- H5);
– his Mars falls in my H7;
– his Mars trine my Pluto – 3 degrees;
It was a strong attraction to each other on the first day we met.
What is your intake on that? Thank you!
Well, Mars trine Pluto created the attraction, no doubt about. When it comes to other aspects, I would say that these are all in all in beautiful connections, but make sure to check if there are any negative aspects between Saturn and Venus. If so, this can make frictions between you two in the future.
Hi astrology friends! 🙂
Recently I met a potential love relationship partner. In synastry we have good planet aspects. Moon trine Sun, Moon trine Asc., Sun trine Sun, Moon/Neptune sextile Moon, Asc conjunct Sun, Sun conjunct Saturn, Venus conjunct Saturn, Mars trine Venus and Uranus conjunct Mars in my 5 H. ( I don’t know his birth time yet)
Then Lilith conjunctions;
BML( My) conjunct ( his)Venus/Mercury in my 3 H
BML ( His) conjunct (my) Moon/Lust in my 8 H
Then I try to understand some other asteroid conjunctions. But I don’t have so much knowledge.
Wondering about his Karma conjunct my Juno (2° Pisces)/ MC( 29°Aqarius)? Someone who has an idea??
Some other asteroid/ points conjunctions (all in Pisces)
Karma ( my) conjunct ( his) Ceres
Eros/Chiron conjunct (my) Venus (orb 0°)
Alma conjunct Alma (conjunct his Saturn)
Psyche (my) close to conjunction (his) Eros/Chiron ( orb 3,5°)
Also his lust is conjunct my NN
In Taurus;
Psyche (his) conjunct (my) antivertex ( orb 0°)
Should I be anxious about Karma conjunct Juno/M?? Hopefully he will come with some great Karma to my Juno. Maybe positive payback time :))
Just to make sure that I understood you correctly; the conjunction between Karma and Juno has 3°orb, right? If so, then I would put that much attention to it. When it comes to asteroids and points, focus only on aspects with 0-1°orb.
my juno sextile his north node and his juno square my venus ????
I cannot say how these two aspects would play out in your relationship. Why not? Because Juno alone cannot be seen as an ultimate “true love” indicator, if you don’t take other aspects in consideration. Positive Juno aspects only create the right environment where true love can manifest IF no other major aspects destroy this.
What about the outer planets? The man I’m interested in and I have an exact conjunction of his Juno and my Uranus. But I’m wondering if we start dating more seriously would he make me want my individuality more with this aspect? Thank you.
No, I don’t think do. If anything this aspect would only give some kind of uniqueness to your relationship with him. I would still take other aspects in consideration before making any assumptions though.
I am soon having transiting juno conjunct my natal uranus, is this not good for me and my love, transiting mars and Neptune conjunct my natal Juno, which sextiles Jupiter and Pluto please can you assist
Hi I am not sure why but my comment got removed, please could I ask again, on and near the eclipse, I will have transiting juno conjunct my natal uranus, is this not good for me and my love, transiting mars and Neptune conjunct my natal Juno, which sextiles Jupiter and Pluto as well as nessus conjuncts mars
Hi, Bellatrix. Your comment wasn’t removed. It just wasn’t approved by the sysytem by the time you wrote the second comment. 😉
I cannot say for sure how the eclipse will affect you, since I don’t know how your entire natal chart looks like. Namely, this conjunction could have major or barly any affect on your love life – it all depends on the whole picture (and not to forget the progressed chart ❗ here).
Maybe focus more on transits of Mars and Neptune in relation to your natal Juno.
Hola Su junto hace conjunción a mi Plutón, y mi junio a su Vertex. Mi junio y Plutón están en mi casa 5 en libra. Somos dos chicas
Hi Rebecca
So, we have:
His Juno trine my Eros 4°1′
His Vesta trine my Eros 2° 28′
His Uranus trine my Eros 4° 10′
My Eros trine his Decendant 7th house
His Sun trine my North Node 5°59′
His Sun trine my Venus 4° 17”
His Sun trine my Mars 8° 2′
(First of all, my North Node, Venus, Mars and Moon are conjuct, stellium)
So, I continue:
His Sun trine my Moon 9° 37′ (is ok for luminaries or too wide?)
My Sun trine his Boda 1487, (Spanish for mariage) 3° 44′
My Boda conjuct his Sun 1° 46′
My Psyche Parallel (like conjuction) his Eros 0° 10′
My Neptune trine his asteroid Psyche 2° 38′
My Karma (3811) trine his Psyche 3° 50′
My Vertex trine his Karma 1° 50′
I will write to you again, if I find something more! I know some orbs 4° and something seems are too wide, but works, I am sure, I was chek out in my life!
With my Love
Hi! My biggest question would be how to interpret mars square juno?
My aspects: My juno sextile mercury, my juno sextile jupter, my juno square saturn, my juno sextile urano, my juno sextile neptune, my juno conjunct pluto, my juno square ascendante, my juno conjunct mc. His juno trine with my moon, his juno trine with my venus, his juno square my mars, his juno trine with mt saturn, his juno opposition to my ascendant, his juno square my mc. Thank you!
I am curious to know how Juno conjunct Pluto plays out in synastry. As well as Juno conjunct the Vortex. His Juno is conjunct my vortex and my Juno is conjunct his. I can’t find much info on this out there…